Trigger point therapy is a type of massage therapy that eases muscle tightness and discomfort caused by trigger points. Trigger points are localized areas of muscle fibers that contract and form knots. These trigger points can result from stress, overuse, or injury, leading to pain and restricted movement.
During a trigger point therapy session, a Vinegar Hill RMT applies targeted pressure to these knots. This releases tension and promotes the natural healing process. This technique not only addresses the symptoms but also targets the root cause of muscular pain and dysfunction.
The therapy involves finding and manipulating trigger points using various techniques. These techniques include direct pressure, stretching, and deep tissue massage.
Some of the benefits of trigger point therapy include flexibility, reduced pain, and restored normal muscle function.
At Atlas Physio, we prioritize your well-being and recovery. Our experienced and skilled Vinegar Hill RMTs specialize in trigger point therapy. We are here to provide personalized sessions tailored to your unique needs.
Here’s why you should choose Atlas Physio for trigger point therapy:
Choose Atlas Physio for unparalleled expertise and personalized care in Trigger Point Therapy, and take the first step toward relieving muscle tension and achieving optimal well-being.
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