Knee Bursitis Treatment


Bursitis of the knee involves the inflammation of one or more bursae, which are tiny sacs filled with fluid situated near the knee joint. These sacs help minimize rubbing and cushion the area between bones and soft tissues.


Common symptoms include noticeable swelling, persistent pain when moving the knee, and sensitivity when pressing near the affected area. The skin over the knee might also appear red and feel warm to the touch.


Knee bursitis often results from repetitive activities or sustained pressure on the knee area. It can also occur from a sudden impact or injury to the knee.

Risk Factors

  • Prolonged periods of kneeling, common in certain professions and activities
  • Sports that involve a lot of jumping or quick pivoting
  • Surgical interventions on the knee that may lead to joint stress
  • Excess body weight, adding pressure on lower-body joints
  • Inadequate warm-up or poor form during exercise


  • Use of protective padding during work or activities involving knee stress
  • Building strength in the muscles surrounding the knee to support the joint
  • Correcting movement patterns in daily activities and sports
  • Keeping body weight in a healthy range to lessen joint load
  • Stretching regularly to improve and maintain lower body flexibility


Atlas Physiotherapy offers hands-on therapies that can complement the recovery process for diagnosed knee bursitis.

Hands-on therapy, such as osteopathic manipulation and targeted physiotherapy, can alleviate knee bursitis by enhancing joint function and decreasing swelling.

Contact our team for more information on how we can help you get back to doing what you enjoy.